Beginner DSLR Workshop- Taking Control of Your Camera

Teaching our beginner DSLR workshop is one of my favorite parts of my business. My friend and editor, Genevieve and I taught our first introduction to photography course way back in 2014 and it is amazing to think how far it has come. We now teach photography and DSLR workshops from beginner to advanced techniques and a workshop that teaches how you how to organize your digital photos and put a system into place so you have your photos backed up, accessible AND printed!

Your Life, Your Camera an Introduction to Photography Workshop!

Did you get a new camera this holiday season? Is 2020 the year you’re going to learn how to use the one you already have? We have just a couple of seats left in our upcoming beginner DSLR workshop and we would love to have you join us.

We will cover everything you need to know to start taking pictures you’ll love. We have been teaching this class for five years and are excited to meet more people who are looking to take their photos to the next level and join our photography community.

Our four-hour workshop includes:

  • Getting off automatic mode
  • An introduction to natural light
  • Beginner composition
  • Tips for genuine and fun images
  • Hands-on practice and lots of Q&A
  • Taught by two experienced educators and photographers
  • Participation in an ongoing YLYC alumni Facebook group.

The Details:

Saturday, January 25th, 12-4PM, South Burlington Vermont $150

Email to reserve your seat!

To learn more about what the flow of our Your Life, Your Camera is like, you can read Genevieve’s blog post HERE.

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