Options For Choosing Your Senior Portrait Session Location
Choosing your senior portrait session location is one of my favorite things to help with. After we choose a date for your session, the next step will be deciding where we’ll take your photos! I have so many favorite locations in the area, and the choice is yours! Do you have a preference for a green or floral background? Do you love the idea of an urban session? Is your own backyard an option? Are you up for a bit of exploring during your session or would you prefer to keep things more low-key? If you prefer to stay in your own town, that’s another thing to consider! There are so many options, which can feel wonderful and also a little overwhelming.
I am Here to Help YOU!
With any of my sessions, I am here to help you figure out the details, logistics, and locations. I always love talking with my seniors about choosing a spot that highlights who they are as an individual! Do you have a hobby that is a big part of your life? Maybe you ride horses, play football or play the violin. Showcasing your talents and interests is always a fun part of capturing who you are in this very special time of your life. If you having any unique ideas like this, I would love to hear about them! The options are endless for choosing your senior portrait session location, and I am excited to see where this year’s seniors take me. Let’s take a look at some of my favorite location options in the Burlington area…
Downtown Burlington
I love the urban vibe that Downtown Burlington offers. I love seeking out hidden locations between the old brick building, unique archways and an abundance of color. Downtown Burlington is a great choice for the high school senior that is looking for something a little different while also showcasing their unique personality.

South Burlington Community Garden
This is my most frequented location and for good reason. The gardens offer a convenient location that has a variety of backdrops that photograph beautiful year round. It has a gorgeous mountain view, an abundance of flowers, and a beautiful brick building as well. It is usually rather quiet and I find that some of my high school seniors prefer a more quiet location.

The Apple Orchards
While orchards in Vermont are known for their fall harvests, but they also photograph beautifully in the summer. Apple orchards often have rustic elements like cedar fences, and the trees themselves create very unique framing in your portraits.

Your Own Home
What better place to capture YOU than at your own home? Even better, you don’t have to drive anywhere! In doing so at your own home, can add extra meaning to your senior portraits. I am pretty confident your own home would photograph even better than you may think! I love seeking out ideal lighting and incorporating elements of your home.