I got to snuggle this newborn baby boy over the holidays, and it was a treat to meet his sweet new family of three (plus their furry family member, of course!). I absolutely love newborn babies. My husband knows that given the chance, I would have had many more. But like puppies, they don’t stay little long. I’m still working on a way around this…ha! This little one was extra cooperative for his first photoshoot. Once his belly was full, he was happy behind my lens. His new nursery was gorgeous, decorated in gray and white- pretty much a photographer’s dream. His furry big brother was adjusting to a new baby in the house, but it won’t be long before the two of them are best buds.
I love the slower pace of newborn sessions, as the baby is definitely in charge. Life with a newborn baby is as unpredictable as it is sweet, so I make sure to allow plenty of time for the unexpected. Extra feedings, new diapers, and unexpected outfit changes are all part of the show. As usual, I loved chatting with the new parents, as this little boy worked on a full belly. I loved hearing about how they are adjusting as well as a little reminiscing about my own babies. It hasn’t been long enough that I have forgotten how long the days (and nights) can be, but I also know how short this time is. I’m always so thankful that families choose me to capture this special time. Even though the nights may feel endless, I know all too well that the details will fade. My goal? To create photos that will take you right back to these days, long after they’ve passed.
Onto the photos…a huge thank you to this family for choosing me to capture this special time for you! I loved meeting your growing family~