Sweet Sisters & Coordinating Outfits for Family Sessions | Vermont Family Photographer

How Much Kids Grow In a Year & Session Timing

I last saw these sweet sisters last spring and it is amazing how quickly these girls are growing and changing! I mean, how adorable are these two? I loved seeing their sisterly bond and watching them interact together. There were plenty of smiles and giggles and we had so much fun exploring the garden. We met in the morning and that meant that everyone was well rested and the light was perfect for photos. At this stage I often recommend morning sessions for maximum smiles and minimal meltdowns. I normally recommend early morning or early evening which can be harder for younger kiddos, understandably!

Sweet Sisters Close In Age

These girls are close together in age like my own daughters and I remember this stage so well. It certainly was sweet but also exhausting! It was definitely a hands on stage and we didn’t do a lot of sitting down. These two definitely kept mom and dad smiling…and on their toes!

Coordinating Clothing for Family Sessions

I love the pops of pink and purple in the girl’s clothing and the matching jean jackets are just too cute. I often get questions about how to coordinate outfits for sessions and this family did a wonderful job! I loved dads patterned shirt coordinated with mom’s more neutral top. Competing patterns can be overwhelming so it is best if only one parent wears a print. The kids in the bolder colors is perfect and the jean jackets helped bring it all together. The girls had great buckle sandals that allowed them to run around the park without worrying about losing a shoe. If you have any questions about what to wear to your family session I like to pin outfit ideas to my “Outfit Inspiration” Pinterest board. I am also happy to discuss any of these things with you. Just like with picking a location, I am here to help!

family photo sessions
family photo shoot
mom with daughters
dad and daughter
sweet sisters
family portraits
mom and dad in family photos

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