Automatic mode is most reliable when the situation is perfect- ideal lighting, an abundance of light, and a still subject. Unfortunately, if your life is anything like mine, these three things don’t happen together very often. Yesterday I took three sets of images all in less than ideal light. The sun was nearly set, my house was getting dark, and my daughter didn’t want to stay still. The images on the left were taken on Automatic mode, and the images on the right were taken in Manual. None of these have been edited at all. Isn’t the difference amazing?

Learning to shoot in Manual mode was the best decision I ever made for my photography. It’s not easy…it takes lots of practice, patience, and persistence for it to become natural, but I promise it’s worth it. My friend Genevieve and I put together our “Your Life Your Camera” workshop with this realization in mind. The next run of our workshop will be in South Burlington VT at the Best Western Windjammer Inn and Conference on January 17th, 2015. The workshop is four hours in length, and covers an introduction to Manual Mode, beginner lighting tips, ideas for capturing genuine expressions, and a beginner’s guide to composition. There is lots of time for questions and interaction as well. Those of you who are interested in taking your DSLR to the next level can email me at to reserve your seat.