They Say Change is the Only Constant
They say change is the only constant in life. I know I shouldn't fight it, and I know I can't change it. So far, that knowledge hasn't kept me from trying. I've always loved predictability, a good plan, and solid answers. I wouldn't consider myself lacking spontaneity, I can make quick decisions, and I'm a big advocate for "close enough, over perfect." That all being said, I don't like change, and as someone who has struggled with anxiety for my entire life, I know this resistance is a big part of the cause. I also know it's why I love photography so much. As much as I wish I had the ability to pause the hands of time, slow down my quickly growing children, and secure a safe and comfortable future for all my friends and family, I can't. One thing I can do, is pick up my camera.
The Photography Rabbit Hole
Last weekend, my ten-year-old said something that reminded me of this silly moment I captured on video when she was four-years-old. She didn't remember what I was talking about, so I pulled up the video, and down the rabbit hole we went. We watched video after video, which quickly turned into photo after photo. As we revisited all these memories together I alternated between laughs and tears. My thoughts switched between disbelief over how quickly her ten years has passed, and appreciation for all these moments that without documentation, I likely would have forgotten. That's the trick of parenting, isn't it? The days, the details, and the moments while unfolding before us, all seem the same, dare I say even monotonous at times. It's the same morning routine day after day, until all of a sudden it isn't. The high-chair makes it way to the basement, the sippy cups are replaced with regular cups, and then your eight-year-old is wearing something other than the enormous t-shirt she's been insisting on wearing daily for months. The curls at the end of their hair fall out and the baby teeth make way for bigger teeth that you quickly realize are going to cost you an arm in a leg in orthodontic work. Change is indeed the only constant.
This is Why I Do What I Do
When I bought my first DSLR camera nearly ten years ago, my intention was never to start a business. It just happened. As I've reached the stage where the majority of my clients have children younger than my own, I've found my attention drawn more to the details I'm so thankful I have documented. I love when parents let kids dress themselves for photos, adding an accessory that represents who they are at the moment. I love having them bring along a special toy, or the little ones who have a small car peeking out of their back pocket. What I want for my clients is exactly what I experienced myself last weekend: the ability to go right back to the moment the photos were taken. I want them to be able to see how much has changed as well as what hasn't. I want them to see that even if change is a constant we must accept, what doesn't change is how we feel when we see our own kids documented as their true selves.
And because this post wouldn't be complete without photos, I'm including a few favorites from our trip down memory lane last weekend. Keep taking photos, everyone.