Why I Want to Photograph Your Family
Why do I want to photograph your family? As my busy season is upon me, I am finding myself asking this question. I am being sincere when I say that I enjoy every single family I photograph. I never want my families (especially those who book in the fall- hellllllo September!) to feel like they’re one of many. During their session time, they’re the only ones that matter to me. Connecting and engaging is part of my personality- comfortable clients equal happy photos!

Both the highs and the lows of every parenting stage are quickly forgotten, the next stage blowing its way in.
Back to the question…why do I want to photograph your family? I want to help you capture a moment of time. As a member of a culture who can barely remember what they ate for breakfast, I don’t want you to forget how your six-year-old looked with two missing front teeth. I want you to remember that your youngest always played with the ends of your hair when you picked him up. I want to capture the face your daughter makes only when she’s belly laughing. As a mom of two girls who are somehow nearing double-digits, I know how quickly these details leave our minds. Both the highs and the lows of every parenting stage are quickly forgotten, the next stage blowing its way in.

There is Joy to Be Found.
With my family and all of those I’ve photographed in mind, I’ve found one thing to be true. Behind every family with young children, there is a joy to be found. Hiding behind the kid that refuses to wear shoes for photos, the oldest sibling who feels too “cool” for family photos, and the baby who skipped his nap, joy is there. And it’s my job to find it.

On the more stressful days of parenting (and how about just life everyone?!) I want you to be able to look at the photos on your wall and pause. I want you to trust in your son’s smile that even though you may have raised your voice yesterday, he knows you love him. I want to show that even though your daughter may be having a tough time at school, she can’t stop giggling when you tickle her. Even further down the road? I want your grown children to see how you reacted when they burst out laughing over something funny (I know for a fact that it isn’t only my kids who find potty talk hysterical). When the chaos, the to-dos, and the forgotten permission slips are off the table, I want to show you who your family is. Creating and capturing joy is the why behind my work. I’m beyond thankful to all the wonderful families who’ve allowed me to do so.